Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thing #23: Conclusion

Overall, I feel that the successful completion of 23 Things has benefited me, overall. I now possess a more-comprehensive understanding of the Web 2.0 phenomenon and how it can be applied in my workplace.

If a similar program were to be offered in the future, I would almost certainly jump at the chance to participate.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Thing #22: Downloadable Audiobooks

Personally, I was surprised at the selection of downloadable audiobooks available, especially the selection of 19th century literature that Project Gutenberg had available.

Thing #21: Podcasts

Regarding library functions, nothing podcast-related struck me as particularly advantageous over, say, an informative website or text-based RSS feed, though I imagine that a regular library news podcast may be potentially useful (or at the very least a novel idea) for some customers.

Thing #20(b): Review of YouTube

Things that I like(d) about YouTube include the fact that the site can provide hours of educational entertainment (edutainment; see the video in the previous post), as well as the ability to find commercials/videos/etc. that one hasn't seen in years (and may or may not need to find in order to win a bet).

Negative aspects of YouTube include the fact that the site can be a hotbed of both copyright violation (as with pretty much any Web 2.0 site), as well as all sorts of garbage (both videos and commentary regarding the videos of others), posted by nigh-illiterate troglodytes (as with pretty much any Web 2.0 site).

I personally don't see YouTube being of any particular use to a library system, unless it were to fit some sort of specific role in some sort of promotional campaign.

Thing #20: Youtube

I found this video long ago. I hereby deem it to be worth adding to my blog, since I find it entertaining, as a bizarre hybrid learn English/aerobic exercise program.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Thing #19: Award-Winning (And Award-Nominated) Web 2.0 Sites

The Web 2.0 Site that I chose to explore was, a site best known for finding a) housing and employment opportunities, b) opportunities and services that can, should, and shall go unmentioned in a work environment, and c) people attempting to buy, sell, or trade the strangest things.

My favorite discovery is that of someone attempting to trade most of a chocolate cake for a sock.

Thing #18: Online Productivity Tools

I'm posting this with Zoho, an online word-processing dohickey. I'm neither particularly impressed nor disappointed with either Zoho or Google Docs.

Thing #17: Sandbox Wiki

Blog about my experience, eh? Well, let's see...

After reading the details of the assignment, I created an account and logged into the Sandbox Wiki. I then clicked on the link to the Favorite Blogs page, and then hit the "edit page" button. I then added a link to my blog to the list of Howard County participants.

Thing #16: Wikis

As far as applications within a library system, I suspect that a Wiki would not be of much use, as Wikis require a relatively large amount of manpower to establish and maintain to any degree of usefulness. The very nature of a Wiki requires a large degree of multi-user collaboration (or a small number of editors working very regularly).

For a functional and useful Wiki to be established for an environment such as a library system, it would have to be either maintained by a capable team of library staff (who can regularly dedicate time and effort to the Wiki's maintenance) or open to public input (and thus easily vandalized or filled with inaccurate information, intentionally or not, thus increasing the need for moderation, and library staff manpower to be expended on it).

Monday, September 24, 2007

Thing #15: Library 2.0

Like Chip Nilges (who discussed the subject in his article, "To more powerful ways to cooperate [sic]", I've found that the philosophy of "Library 2.0" has largely served to revolutionize the way that libraries view one another, customers, and the distribution of information. One of the fundamental principles of the whole "Web 2.0" concept is that rather than providing information itself, the goal of the institution (be it a website or a library) is to provide the means and/or infrastructure by which to access it.

Thing #14: Technorati

Check out my Technorati Profile. I've found Technorati to be a great way of advertising my blog, and finding out what else is popular on the internet.

Thing #13:

I've found to be rather interesting, as, in addition to serving as a social networking resource, it can also function as a valuable research resource. I imagine that it could have potential in a library environment, especially with regard to the possibility of sharing finds between library systems.

Thing #12: Rollyo

Here is my Rollyo search tool for famous/noteworthy quotations. Custom search tools, such as this, could likely help streamline searches for information (something that library employees often find themselves required to do).

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Thing # 11: Librarything

My librarything catalog can be found here.

Thing #10: Image Generators

This game prepared me for my job. Really. I swear.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Thing #9: Merlin and Newsfeeds

Not being a terribly huge fan of blogs, RSS, or RSS-feed-collections, I found that the easiest way to find the RSS feeds that I wanted was to go to the website that I wanted to find the RSS-feed for, hit "ctrl-f" and search for "RSS", which consistently brought me to wherever the RSS-feed link for each site was located. I found the tools provided to be functional, but unsuited to my needs.

Thing #8: RSS Feeds

I find that, for me, personally, RSS feeds are more of a novelty than anything else, as they seem to hold little advantage over actually going to the websites that they supply information from, saving insignificant amounts of time and effort, although I'm aware that more practical applications for this utility exist.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thing #7: Some Sort of Blog Post About Anything Technology-Related That Interests Me This Week

As far as something technology-related that happens to interest me, at the moment, I've found that instant messenger services (something that I've been using for about 10 years) have managed to help me keep in communication with many people with whom I'd otherwise have relatively little contact over the years. For example, despite my best friend and I having attended different universities (roughly 100 miles apart), we were able to talk (for free, and without the degree of immediacy required by phone or internet-based vocal communication) practically every day.

Here are some instant messenger-related links:

Windows Live Messenger

Yahoo Messenger

AOL Instant Messenger


Thing #6: Flickr Mashups and Third Party Sites

Originally uploaded by someone who isn't me

As a follow-up to my previous post, I made this using FD Toys' Lolcat Generator, along with a photo of the famous psychologist, Carl Jung.

The original quote was, "As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being." (Memories, 1963)

Thing #5: Flickr

Originally uploaded by someone who isn't me

This is a relatively old and very common internet meme, commonly referred to as "Happycat".

Monday, September 10, 2007

7 and 1/2 Lifelong Learning Habits

Upon viewing the presentation on lifelong learning habits, realized that, of the 7 1/2 habits detailed, the easiest for me is to view problems as challenges from which to learn. In every aspect of my life, I find it hard to view any problems that I encounter as anything other than challenges from which to learn.

Oddly enough, I found it hard to choose a single habit that struck me as something that I would consider "hard" for me. I suppose that, if anything, it would be Habit 7 (Teach/Mentor Others). While I find such a thing to be relatively difficult (in comparison to the other habits), I also find it to be among the most rewarding ways in which to learn.

This isn't *not* a test post.

It's not. I swear.

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